Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

I was given this award by Caroline Croley at The Croley Gang.

There are some rules that come with recieving this award : One Lovely Blog Award.

1. Claim your award

2. Post it on your blog along with the name of the person who gave it to you. Linking it to that persons blog. That's the part I have trouble with not sure how to do it, so I'm just going to list My Favorite Blogs.

3. Pass this award to 15 newly discovered blogs that you find.

4. Now don't forget to contact the recipients.

My 15 Are:
1. Caring for Carliegh
2. Looking for Blue Sky
3. Thhttp:/Trough My Mothers Eyes
4.Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
5. Kayleigh's Story
6.Beauty From Pain
7. A Road Less Traveled
8. My Life As Mamma and Wife
9.The Lansinks
10. The Story of Baby Faith Hope
11. A Walk With the Dorions
12. The Beauty of Sufficient Grace
13.The Goodwin Family
14. Baby Seth's Story
15. The Mommy Diary

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