Wow, it has been crazy around here the last week or so. Where to even start? At least things are getting a little back to normal around here.
Let see. Last Wednesday night my mom, sister, hubby and I got in an argument over the dogs. They wont keep them out and Charli and I are tired of poop and pee everywhere. We asked them nicely to put them out and leave them out. They refused so we told them they could do as we ask, find new living arangements on their own, or we would make them find other livign arrangemtns. It only got nastier from their until we weren't talkign to each other.
Around 5am Thursday morning my mom came through and was yelling and telling Charlie and I it was our fault and that my sister has tried to commit suicide. She then walked out the door. I got up and called around and no one knew anything yet. About 30 mins later I had Charlie call his mom and she said that everyting was ok and she then told him it was our fault also. Needless to say everyone was against us at that time.
I was so upset that I called my Pastor for guidance( Thank you Dave for waking up early to talk to me). We talked for around an hour and I felt better. My mother in law then called to say that my little sister was transfered to the phsyc ward at a hospital about an hour away.
During that time I did a lot of prayin, talking to the hubby, and talking to the church family. We decided for good that either they needed to get out or my family and I needed to get out. We really hated to be mean and kick my sister and mother out, but it was what was best for our family. Charlie then got some information on a job and we decided to try for that first and see how that would go.
So jump to Tues. and my sister got out of the hospital. During the time between Thur and Tues., my mom and I talked some. We are all getting along, but not really talking more than we have to. It is getting better, but I think there is still some anger between everyone.
Back to the job...Charlie had a phone interview yesterday and they immediatley emailed him for a face to face interview. That will take place Thursday the 26. Please pray thay he gets it. We hate to leave our church family here, but we all think it would be a great oppertunity for our fmaily. It will also give time for wounds to heal.
Well that is an update of what has been going on around here. It has been a wild ride, but I think it has helped me spirtually